Let me tell you a story about a girl who asked me every day when she would get her home
on the "Who We Are" Page. I just didn't have the heart to tell her she's out of the band.
Well, you're on the web page now, Lauren!!!!!
I hope you're happy!!!!

Here's Lauren attempting to look thoughtful. What is she comtemplating, I wonder? The laws of physics? The philosophies of Plato? Not likely. Click on the image to find out what she's really thinking.

Blah hah hah.  Lauren go poofie.

If only this guy were Ryan . . . . sigh. Right : Yes, Lauren, you broke wind.  It's really not that funny.

Lauren : What the hell do you see in this guy?  (no offence, Jeff)

                             Hi, my name's Bunny.  Tee hee hee.

Whoa.  What hash?Oh, now that's attractive.  You should really have that thing growing out of your neck lanced.
(No offence, Jeff.)

I sure could go for a heapin helpin' of raw hamburger.

An Annotated Bibliography of
Lauren Ash
Once upon a time in a small town, there was born a girl named Lauren Ash. She lead a relatively unimportant life until she met Ryan Anderson, who would be from then on -- her hero.

It was chilly September night as I remember it. The band and I had just come off our Jolt Cola buzz and the world was our oyster. We had just finished recording our first album, featuring Lauren on the hidden song. a month or so later, this very webpage came forth from the depths of cyberspace. Ever since all I heard was "You and Andrew are on the webpage, how come I'm not on the webpage?" "Ben is on the webpage. How come I'm not on the webpage?"

Well, you see. I'm a busy man.  I have things to do, places to see.  I don't spend all of my time on the internet.
Ahh.  Who am I kidding?  Yes I do.

Wanna tell Ryan what an asshole he is for doing this?
Click here.
Hey, What's that?  Is that something shiny?                               Click on the Four-assed monkey to go home.
I sure do like shiny stuff!!!